E&CM Values and Beliefs
INTEGRITY: Integrity is the quality of being honest and fair, adhering to moral and ethical principles, a soundness of moral character. This describes how members of our organization will “show up” and how members will treat others and expect to be treated.
RESPECT: Respect is the quality or state of being esteemed. Respect for our families, stakeholders, and colleagues is fundamental to belonging. We will develop mutual respect with colleagues, community partners, and the population served by using more thoughtful language.
LANGUAGE: Language is vital to building rapport and recognizing the importance of the tools we use to communicate with each other, including how we discuss our families and colleagues. We will need to be mindful that language is ever-changing, and we will need to adapt to it as we learn and grow.
CULTURAL HUMILITY: Cultural humility is a process of self-reflection and growth in order to build awareness about power, privilege, and prejudices. It requires a life-long commitment to learning and a commitment to be aware of and actively mitigate power imbalances rooted in cultural identity. This framework is important as race equity becomes the norm at CFSA and inclusion is part of our everyday operations.
DEIB Partnerships
Equity and change management occurs throughout CFSA and does not occur in isolation. CFSA works on the local and national level. Our partnerships create opportunities to share strategies, approaches, and best practices with other jurisdictions, and to learn new ways to work towards our vision.

DEIB Resources

Equity & Change Management is focused on implementing the work of DC Child and Family Services Agency’s (CFSA) Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging (DEIB) Steering Committee. The steering committee was established in October 2020 in response to a nationwide focus on DEI and disproportionality in child welfare.
Click on the tabs below to learn more about our community partnerships.