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The Child Welfare Training Academy has partnered with the CFSA Human Resources Administration to oversee the Agency’s social worker internship program. This program allows for social work students in DC, Maryland, and Virginia to complete their required field education training to obtain their Master of Social Work (MSW) degree. These interns are interviewed and vetted by CWTA staff, provided pre-service training, and connected with a CFSA social worker who acts as their field instructor for that academic school year.




The CFSA SIP program is structured to offer student interns experiences to increase their practice skills as they develop into new Social Work Practitioners. We will continue to support each student as outlined within the scope of their university programs as we connect individuals with programmatic areas that peak their Macro and Micro interests. Those programs are:



















Our program will also build and sustain connections within each participating university to help the students matriculate as seamlessly as possible.   Teamwork makes the dreamwork!




Safety is paramount, and the SIP program is committed to keeping students safe while engaged in the work of CFSA. This included personal safety, community safety, and clinical well-being. Clinical case management safety will be a part of every interns onboarding training. All additional safety protocols will be discussed with their field instructor during supervision.




Students will be granted the following supplies:


  • Laptop computer provisions for remote support

  • Remote/virtual training

  • Virtual visits with families, virtual court shadowing, and virtual supervision

  • Provision of Personal Protective Equipment for usage if in-home shadowing activities are required 




The SIP Program recruits seasoned and eager licensed social workers to support student interns. Only those with an LGSW or LICSW are able to function as a Field Instructor as recommended by their supervisor and vetted through our Human Resources Department. The prioritization of interns is as listed below because we are limited with the number of Field Instructors who are available during the year:


  • Second year and advanced standing MSW/MSSW students

  • 1st year MSW/MSSW students

  • BSW Students


Please remember that our ability to accept students is dictated by the number of approved Field Instructors. 




While, the SIP Program typically operates from August – May of each academic year. The application 

2025 – 2026 academic year is paused as we restructure our program. Please consider applying in the Fall 0f 2025 when our program is back up and running.



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